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Void Safety

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Formal generic type declarations

  • FOO [G] = FOO [G → detachable separate ANY] - actual generic can be detachable and can be separate.
  • FOO [G → detachable ANY] - actual generic can be detachable, but it is never separate.
  • FOO [G → ANY] = FOO [G → attached ANY] - actual generic is always attached and is never separate.
  • FOO [G → separate ANY] = FOO [G → attached separate ANY] - actual generic is always attached and can be separate.

It is also possible to have indirect constraints, e.g. BAR [G → H, H → ANY] means that actual generic parameter corresponding to G should be attached and non-separate.

eiffel/faq/void-safety.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/16 03:31 by jonathan