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eiffel-new from command line

eiffel-new is a command line program on our Prism workstations (and the SEL Virtual Machine) to create a new Eiffel project with void safe settings and including the Espec unit testing framework and Mathmodels.

> eiffel-new
New Eiffel void-safe project name: fizzbuzz
Use:  estudio19.05 fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz.ecf &
> ls
> cd fizzbuzz/
> ls
fizzbuzz.ecf  model/        root/         tests/
> estudio fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz.ecf & 
 -- starts EiffelStudio IDE

The command prompts you for a project name (e.g. fizzbuzz) and then creates a folder called fizbuzz with a root class (file root.e), a test class TEST_EXAMPLE (file test_example.e) and an ECF file.

At the command line execute estudio fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz.ecf & . The IDE is invoked and will ask for a directory in which to place the EIFGEN files.

Compile the program (F7) and you should see:

You can see how to set up a unit tests (in the image we show a test of base class ARRAY[G]).

If you run the tests (Run, i.e. F5) you obtain a report on the success (green bar) or failure (red bar) of your project.

If you want to develop an algorithm for “fizzbuzz” the create a class in the model cluster and test it with a test in TEST_EXAMPLE.

eiffel/faq/eiffel-new.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/30 17:16 by jonathan