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Latex Command Line Options

In order to incorporate TLA+ in LaTex sources it is best to download the JAR file for Standalone Tools.

I have done the following

alias tla2tex="java -cp /usr/local/tla-tools/tla2tools.jar tla2tex.TLA" 
alias tlaintex="java -cp /usr/local/tla-tools/tla2tools.jar tla2tex.TeX"

Convert a TLA file to TeX file

tla2tex model.tla 

This will produce tla.tex.

Convert snippets of ASCII/TLA in a TeX file to mathematical mode

tlaintex model.tex 


% model.tex
  Action == /\ x'   = x - y
            /\ yy'  = 123
            /\ zzz' = zzz

The style file tlatex.sty must be available. The above produces a LaTeX file model.tex where the tla environment is set to mathematics. The original model.tex file is renamed model.old.

Style file

The style file tlatex.sty is available here.

More Documentation

If you are not using the JAR file, you will probably run TLATeX by typing

 java tla2tex.TeX [options] fileName

where [options] is an optional list of options, and fileName is the name of the input file. (If fileName does not contain an extension, then the input file is fileName.tex.) Running TLATeX with the -help option produces a list of all options. Running it with the -info option produces what you are now reading. (The fileName can be omitted when using the -help or -info option.)

The running time of tla2tex.TeX is roughly proportional to the number of separate `tla' environments. You can speed things up by not having tla2tex.TeX reprocess `tla' environments that haven't changed since the last time it was run. To do this, just change those `tla' environments to `notla' environments. Similarly, you can change `pcal' and `ppcal' to `nopcal' or `noppcal' environments.

Read here for more.

tla/latex.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/02 17:00 by jonathan