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Theories and Libraries




PVS/Emacs Shortcuts

Restarting PVS

If you have a run-away prover command (e.g. GRIND), you can type C-c C-c (while in the *pvs* buffer), which will drop you into Lisp. At the <rcl> prompt, type (restore) to get back to the previous sequent.

If PVS has lost its mind, type M-x reset-pvs. Note. During garbage collection, this command will not engage immediately.

See Survival-Tips.pdf

Emacs shortcuts with PVS

M-x nf		-- new PVS file
C-xs  		-- save file
C-x C-c		-- exit PVS/Emacs
C-x C-f		-- find file
C-s 	   	-- search
C-g    	 	-- cancel command 
C-c C-t		-- type check current formula
C-c p	    	-- prove conjecture
C-c C-p f 	-- prove file (all theories) and show status
C-c C-p i)      -- Do all proofs in IMPORT chain (shows status)
C-c C-s p 	-- show proof status
M-x show-proof	-- show proof
C-x 1		-- one window
M-x vpt         -- view-prelude-theory
M-x tcp         -- typecheck-prove in the current buffer,
M-x tccs        -- (C-c C-q s) Show the TCCs of the indicated theory

M-x show-proofs-theory   -- Show all proofs of theory
M-x x-show-current-proof -- show current proof under x11

step-proof,       prs (C-c C-p s)  Start proof and set up for stepping
x-step-proof,     xsp (C-c C-p X)  Combines x-prove and step-proof

PROVEIT commands
C-c 2p          -- M-x insert-prooflite-script
C-c dp          -- M-x display-prooflite-script

C-c it          -- M-x install-prooflite-scripts-theory
C-c !t          -- M-x install-prooflite-scripts-theory! (Override old)
C-c ip          -- M-x install-prooflite-script at cursor
C-c !p          -- M-x install-prooflite-script! (Override old proofs)

step-proof,       prs (C-c C-p s)  Start proof and set up for stepping
x-step-proof,     xsp (C-c C-p X)  Combines x-prove and step-proof

Emacs (using Ctrl):
C-x C-c  save-buffers-kill-emacs 
C-x C-f  find-file 
C-x C-s  save-buffer

C-x o    other-window
C-x 1    delete-other-windows		
C-x 2    split-window-vertically

C-a      beginning-of-line
C-e      end-of-line
C-g  	clean the command buffer
C-r      isearch-backward
C-s      isearch-forward

Keyboard Shortcuts


Prover Commands

If the prover has gotten lost, you can type C-c C-c in the *pvs* buffer. This will bring you to Lisp's top level and show:

        Error: Received singal number 2 (Keyboard interrupt)
          [condition type: INTERRUPT-SIGNAL]
         Restart actions (select using :continue):
         0: continue computation
Type (restore) to get back to the previous sequent.

(hide f) removes formula number f from the sequent.
The command M-x show-hidden-formulas opens a buffer named Hidden displaying all the hidden formulas.
The PVS prover command (reveal f) returns the formula numbered f in Hidden to the sequent.

Commands Aliases Commands Aliases
pvs-prover-apply-extensionality TAB E pvs-prover-assert TAB a
pvs-prover-auto-rewrite TAB A pvs-prover-auto-rewrite-theory TAB C-a
pvs-prover-bddsimp TAB B pvs-prover-beta TAB b
pvs-prover-case TAB c pvs-prover-case-replace TAB C
pvs-prover-decompose-equality TAB = pvs-prover-delete TAB d
pvs-prover-do-rewrite TAB D pvs-prover-expand TAB e
pvs-prover-extensionality TAB x pvs-prover-flatten TAB f
pvs-prover-grind TAB G pvs-prover-ground TAB g
help-pvs-prover-command TAB H pvs-prover-hide TAB C-h
pvs-prover-iff TAB F pvs-prover-induct TAB I
pvs-prover-induct-and-simplify TAB C-s pvs-prover-inst TAB i
pvs-prover-inst-question TAB ? pvs-prover-lemma TAB L
pvs-prover-lift-if TAB l pvs-prover-model-check TAB M
pvs-prover-musimp TAB m pvs-prover-name TAB n
pvs-prover-postpone TAB P pvs-prover-prop TAB p
pvs-prover-quit TAB C-q pvs-prover-replace TAB r
pvs-prover-replace-eta TAB 8 pvs-prover-rewrite TAB R
pvs-prover-skolem-bang TAB ! pvs-prover-skosimp TAB S
pvs-prover-skosimp-star TAB * pvs-prover-split TAB s
pvs-prover-tcc TAB T pvs-prover-then TAB C-t
pvs-prover-typepred TAB t pvs-prover-undo TAB u
pvs-prover-one-proof-step TAB 1 pvs-prover-many-proof-steps TAB @
pvs-prover-undo-one-proof-step TAB U pvs-prover-undo-many-proof-steps TAB C-u
pvs-prover-skip-one-proof-step TAB #

Proof Rules

% When PVS proofs are expressed in a sequent calculus, the proof rule (flatten) 
% (corresponds to the bottom-up application of either and-left or or-right, i.e.,

% A,B,Gamma |- Delta
% ------------------------ (and-left)
% A /\ B, Gamma |- Delta

% Gamma |- Delta, A,B
% ----------------------- (or-right)
% Gamma |- Delta, A \/ B 

% On the other hand, the proof rule (split) corresponds to the bottom-up
% application of either and-right or or-left, i.e.,

% Gamma |- A, Delta     Gamma |- B, Delta
% -------------------------------------- (and-right)
% Gamma |- A /\ B, Delta

% A, Gamma |- Delta  B,Gamma |- Delta
% ----------------------------------- (or-left)
% A \/ B, Gamma |- Delta

Keyboard shortcuts

			PVS System Command List

Commands appearing below are given with their abbreviations and alternate
forms when they exist.  For example, the format "prove, pr (C-c p)"
means that the prove command can be invoked by "M-x prove", the abbreviated
form "M-x pr", or the key sequence "C-c p".  Most of these commands
support completion on the arguments; hit the space bar at any point to
see what the possible completions might be.

To get help for a specific command, type C-h d followed by the command,
or C-h k followed by the key sequence.

Type C-v for next page, M-v for previous one, M-< to go to top, M-> to end.

--------------------------------Exiting PVS-----------------------------------

exit-pvs (C-x C-c)          Terminate the PVS session
suspend-pvs (C-x C-z)       Suspend PVS

------------------------------Getting Help------------------------------------

help-pvs, pvs-help (C-c h)  - Display help for the PVS system commands
help-pvs-bnf, pvs-help-bnf (C-c C-h b)
                            - Display help for the PVS grammar
help-pvs-language, pvs-help-language (C-c C-h l)
                            - Display help for the PVS language
help-pvs-prover, pvs-help-prover (C-c C-h p)
                            - Display help for the PVS prover commands
help-pvs-prover-command, pvs-help-prover-command (C-c C-h c)
                            - Display help for the specified prover command
help-pvs-prover-strategy, pvs-help-prover-strategy (C-c C-h s)
                            - Display the specified strategy
help-pvs-prover-emacs, pvs-help-prover-emacs (C-c C-h e)
                            - Display help for the PVS prover Emacs commands
pvs-release-notes (C-c C-h r)
                            - Display the release notes			 
x-prover-commands           - Display prover commands in a popup window

---------------------------Editing PVS Files----------------------------------

forward-theory (M-})       Move forward to the beginning of the next theory
backward-theory (M-{)      Move backward to the beginning of previous theory
find-unbalanced-pvs (C-c ]) Find unbalanced PVS delimiters
comment-region (C-c ;)      Comment out all lines in the current region
                            With arg, uncomments region

------------------------Parsing and Typechecking------------------------------
  With an argument, these will force reparsing/retypechecking.

parse, pa                   Parse the PVS file in the current buffer
typecheck, tc (C-c t)       Typecheck the PVS file in the current buffer
typecheck-importchain, tci  Typecheck the importchain of all the theories in
                            the current buffer
typecheck-prove, tcp        Typecheck the PVS file in the current buffer,
                            and attempts to prove the TCCs
typecheck-prove-importchain, tcpi - Typecheck the importchain of all the
                            theories in the current buffer, and attempts
                            to prove the TCCs

-----------------------Prover Invocation Commands-----------------------------

prove,            pr  (C-c p)      Prove formula pointed to by cursor
x-prove,          xpr (C-c C-p x)  Start proof along with X display
step-proof,       prs (C-c C-p s)  Start proof and set up for stepping
x-step-proof,     xsp (C-c C-p X)  Combines x-prove and step-proof
redo-proof,       prr (C-c C-p r)  Redo proof of formula at cursor
                  prnext (C-c C-p n) Start proof on next unproved formula
prove-theory,     prt (C-c C-p t)  Do all proofs in specified theory
prove-theories			   Do all proofs in specified theories
prove-pvs-file,   prf (C-c C-p f)  Do all the proofs in current file
prove-importchain,pri (C-c C-p i)  Do all proofs in IMPORT chain
prove-importchain-subtree,pris     Do proofs in subtree of IMPORT chain
prove-proofchain, prp (C-c C-p c)  Do all proofs in proofchain of formula
prove-formulas-theory, prft        Try formulas with given strategy
prove-formulas-pvs-file, prff      Try formulas with given strategy
prove-formulas-importchain, prfi   Try formulas with given strategy
prove-formulas-importchain-subtree, prfs
                                   Try untried proofs with given strategy
prove-tccs-theory, prtt            Try formulas with given strategy
prove-tccs-pvs-file, prtf          Try formulas with given strategy
prove-tccs-importchain, prti       Try formulas with given strategy
prove-tccs-importchain-subtree, prts
                                   Try untried proofs with given strategy
prove-untried-theory, prut (C-c C-p u)
                                   Try untried proofs with given strategy
prove-untried-pvs-file, pruf (C-c C-p U)
                                   Try untried proofs with given strategy
prove-untried-importchain, prui    Try untried proofs with given strategy
prove-untried-importchain-subtree, prus
                                   Try untried proofs with given strategy
set-decision-procedure		   Set the default decision procedures
prove-theory-using-default-dp      Do proofs with default decision procedures
prove-theories-using-default-dp    Do proofs with default decision procedures
prove-pvs-file-using-default-dp    Do proofs with default decision procedures
prove-importchain-using-default-dp Do proofs with default decision procedures
prove-importchain-subtree-using-default-dp Do proofs with default dec. procs.
prove-proofchain-using-default-dp  Do proofs with default decision procedures

------------------------Proof Editing Commands--------------------------------

edit-proof, show-proof      Edit the proof of the formula at cursor
			      (C-c C-i) offers to rerun the proof
install-proof, (C-c C-i)    Install the current proof at formula
install-and-step-proof (C-c s)   Install the current proof at formula and step
install-and-x-step-proof (C-c x) Install the current proof at formula and step
revert-proof                Reverts the proof of the formula at cursor
                              to the previous one (toggles)
remove-proof                Removes the proof of the formula at cursor
show-proof-file             Edit specified proof file
show-orphaned-proofs        Edit orphaned proofs file
show-proofs-theory	    Show the proof scripts of the specified theory
show-proofs-pvs-file        Show the proof scripts of the specified file
show-proofs-importchain     Show proof scripts of IMPORT chain of theory
install-pvs-proof-file      Install a new proof file
display-proofs-formula      Display the multiple proofs of formula
display-proofs-theory       Display the multiple proofs of formulas of theory
display-proofs-pvs-file     Display the multiple proofs of formulas of PVS file
load-pvs-strategies         Load the pvs-strategies file(s)
set-print-depth             Set the print depth for formulas of sequents
set-print-length            Set the print length for formulas of sequents
set-print-lines		    Set the number of lines to print for seq. formulas
set-rewrite-depth           Set the print depth for displaying rewrites
set-rewrite-length          Set the print length for displaying rewrites
dump-sequents		    Indicate that unproved sequents go to a file
toggle-proof-prettyprinting Toggles whether to prettyprint proof files
pvs-set-proof-prompt-behavior Indicates the kind of prompting at the end of
                              a proof; one of :ask, :overwrite, or :new
pvs-set-proof-default-description Sets a default description string for saved

-----------------------Proof Information Commands-----------------------------

show-current-proof          Display the proof in progress
show-last-proof             Brief display of the most recent proof
set-proof-backup-number     Set the number of backups to keep for proof files
show-proof-backup-number    Show the proof backup number
ancestry                    Display the ancestry of the current sequent
siblings                    Display the siblings of the current sequent
show-hidden-formulas        Display the hidden formulas of the current sequent
show-auto-rewrites          Display the currently used auto-rewrite rules
show-expanded-sequent       Display the expansion of the current sequent
show-skolem-constants       Display Skolem constants with types of sequent
explain-tcc                 Explain why the TCC sequent was generated
usedby-proofs               Display formulas whose proofs refer to the
                              declaration at cursor
pvs-set-proof-parens        Control parentheses display in proofs

---------------------------Evaluation Commands--------------------------------

pvs-lisp-theory             Generate lisp file for a theory
pvs-ground-evaluator        Invoke the interactive ground evaluator

-------------------Adding and Modifying Declarations--------------------------

add-declaration             Add declarations to a theory
modify-declaration          Modify the body of the indicated declaration

--------------------------Prettyprint Commands--------------------------------

prettyprint-theory,      ppt (C-c C-q t) Prettyprint theory in current buffer
prettyprint-pvs-file,    ppf (C-c C-q f) Prettyprint file in current buffer
prettyprint-declaration, ppd (C-c C-q d) Prettyprint the indicated declaration
prettyprint-region,      ppr (C-c C-q r) Prettyprint region of current buffer
prettyprint-theory-instance, ppti (C-c C-q i) Prettyprint the specified theory
                                         instance, performing substitutions
					 for actual parameters and mappings
pvs-set-linelength                       Set the prettyprinter line length

------------------------------Viewing TCCs------------------------------------

prettyprint-expanded, ppe (C-c C-q e) Prettyprint expanded theory in ppe buffer
show-tccs,            tccs (C-c C-q s) Show the TCCs of the indicated theory
show-declaration-tccs                 Show TCCs of declaration at cursor

------------------------File and Theory Commands------------------------------

find-pvs-file, ff (C-c C-f) Find buffer containing named PVS file
find-theory, ft             Find buffer containing named theory
view-prelude-file, vpf      View the prelude file
view-prelude-theory, vpt    View the specified prelude theory
view-library-file,vlf       View named library file
view-library-theory,vlt     View named library theory
new-pvs-file, nf            Create PVS buffer containing named theory
new-theory, nt              Create named theory in current buffer
import-pvs-file, imf        Import a text file as a PVS file
import-theory, imt          Import a theory from another PVS file
delete-pvs-file, df         Delete PVS file
delete-theory, dt           Delete theory from PVS file
save-pvs-file, (C-x C-s)    Save file in current buffer
save-some-pvs-files, ssf    Save modified PVS files
save-pvs-buffer             Save buffer in file, without renaming
smail-pvs-files             Mail files in IMPORT chain to specified address
rmail-pvs-files             Read files sent by smail-pvs-files
dump-pvs-files              Write files in IMPORT chain to file
undump-pvs-files            Break dump file into separate PVS files
edit-pvs-dump-file          Edit a pvs dump file using outline mode

---------------------------Printing Commands----------------------------------

pvs-print-buffer                   Send buffer to printer
pvs-print-region                   Send region to printer
print-theory, ptt                  Send theory to printer
print-pvs-file, ptf                Send PVS file to printer
print-importchain, pti             Send PVS files to printer
alltt-theory, alt (C-c C-a t)      Format theory for LaTeX alltt environment
alltt-pvs-file, alf (C-c C-a f)    Format theories of file for LaTeX alltt
alltt-importchain, ali (C-c C-a i) Format IMPORT chain for LaTeX alltt
alltt-proof, alp (C-c C-a p)       Format last proof for LaTeX alltt
latex-theory, ltt (C-c C-l t)      Generate LaTeX text for theory
latex-pvs-file, ltf (C-c C-l f)    Generate LaTeX text for PVS file
latex-importchain, lti (C-c C-l i) Generate LaTeX text for IMPORT chain
latex-proof, ltp (C-c C-l p)       Generate LaTeX text for last proof 
latex-theory-view, ltv (C-c C-l v) Generates and views LaTeX for theory
latex-proof-view, lpv (C-c C-l P)  Generates and views LaTeX for last proof
latex-set-linelength, lts (C-c C-l s)  Set the linelength for LaTeX text
html-pvs-file                      Generates HTML for PVS file
html-pvs-files                     Generates HTML for PVS file and dependencies

----------------------------Display Commands----------------------------------
  All of these commands pop up a Tcl/Tk window

x-theory-hierarchy         Display the theory hierarchy
x-show-proof               Display proof of formula at cursor
x-show-current-proof       Display proof in progress

----------------------------Context Commands----------------------------------

list-pvs-files, lf         Display a list of PVS files in current context
list-theories, lt          Display a list of theories in current context
change-context, cc         Switch to a new context
save-context, sc           Save the current context
pvs-remove-bin-files       Remove the .bin files
pvs-dont-write-bin-files   Inhibit writing or loading of .bin files
pvs-do-write-bin-files     Allows writing and loading of .bin files (default)
context-path, cp           Display pathname of current context

---------------------------Library Commands-----------------------------------

load-prelude-library       Extend the prelude with the specified library
list-prelude-libraries     List the files loaded by load-prelude-library
remove-prelude-library     Undoes load-prelude-library

---------------------------Browsing Commands----------------------------------

show-declaration         (M-.)   Show declaration of symbol at cursor
goto-declaration	 (C-M-.) Go to the declaration at cursor
find-declaration         (M-,)   Search for declarations of given symbol
whereis-declaration-used (M-;)   Search for declarations which reference decl
whereis-identifier-used  (C-M-;) Search for declarations which reference symbol
list-declarations        (M-:)   Show list of declarations of current context
show-expanded-form       (C-.)   Show expanded form of term containing region

----------------------------Status Commands-----------------------------------

status-theory, stt (C-c C-s t)      Status of specified theory (parsed etc.)
status-pvs-file, stf (C-c C-s f)    Status of theories of current file
status-importchain, sti (C-c C-s i) Status of theories in import chain
                                    With arg, prints just theory names
status-importbychain, stb (C-c C-s b) Status of theories in imported-by chain
show-theory-warnings                Show warnings for theory
show-pvs-file-warnings              Show warnings for PVS file
show-theory-messages                Show informational messages for theory
show-pvs-file-messages              Show informational messages for PVS file
show-theory-conversions             Show conversion messages for theory
show-pvs-file-conversions           Show conversion messages for PVS file
status-proof, sp (C-c C-s p)        Status of formula at cursor
status-proof-theory, spt            Status of all formulas in theory
status-proof-pvs-file, spf          Status of all formulas in PVS file
status-proof-importchain, spi       Status of all formulas on IMPORT chain
status-proofchain, spc              Analyze proof chain of formula at cursor
status-proofchain-theory, spct      Analyze proof chain of specified theory
status-proofchain-pvs-file, spcf    Analyze proof chain of current file
status-proofchain-importchain, spci Analyze proof chain of import chain

--------------------------Environment Commands--------------------------------

whereis-pvs                         Display the root PVS directory
pvs-version                         Display current version of PVS
pvs-mode                            Put current buffer in PVS mode
pvs-log                             Display the PVS Log buffer
status-display                      Display the PVS Status buffer
pvs-status                          Find out if Lisp is busy
pvs                                 Start the PVS process
pvs-load-patches, load-pvs-patches  Load new PVS patches
pvs-interrupt-subjob (C-c C-c)      Interrupt PVS lisp process
reset-pvs                           Interrupt PVS and resynchronize
report-pvs-bug, pvs-report-bug      Mail a bug report to

========================LaTeX Substitution Files==============================

Substitutions for file <filename>.pvs may come from any of the following

	File name	Location
	---------	--------
	<filename>.sub	the directory of the current context
	pvs-tex.sub	the directory of the current context
	pvs-tex.sub	user's home directory
	pvs-tex.sub	the main PVS directory

Examples of substitution entries - numbers refer to the number of
arguments; thus the third entry translates f2[3,G] but not f2[int], and
the last entry translates, e.g., f4(G)(1,n).  Length is an estimation of
the size of the translation in ens, ignoring the size of the arguments.
Further examples may be found in pvs-tex.sub in the main PVS directory.

	Identifier  Type  Length  Substitution
	----------  ----  ------  ------------
	THEORY      key     9     {\large\bf Theory}
	f1          id      3     {\rm bar}
	f2          id[2]   2     {#2_{#1}^{f}}
	f3          2       2     {#1^#2}
	f4          (1 2)   3     {\sum_{i=#2}^{#3}#1(i,#2)}

pvs/commands.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/06 19:33 by jonathan