=====Custom UML template for LibreOffice===== To create Software Design Documentation for your project using LibreOffice software which is a part of our Linux installation in the Prism lab, follow these steps: * Login to a Linux Prism machine. Open ''home//.config/libreoffice/4/user/gallery directory'' (**Note**: if this directory does not exist, run a LibreOffice Draw program once, and it will get created automatically). On a Mac, this might be ''/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4/user/gallery'' * Download the attached {{ :uml:uml.zip |zip file}} * Unzip it to the above-mentioned location * You will see 3 files (uml.sdg, uml.sdv and uml.thm). (**Important**: right-click the files, chose Properties and make sure their Permissions are set to "**Read only**") * Run your LibreOffice Draw program. When it opens, click the "Gallery" button (1), then open the "UML" theme (2). You will see UML components conveniently prepared for you in the gallery (3) {{ :uml:uml.png?800 |}}