====== Latex Command Line Options ======
In order to incorporate TLA+ in LaTex sources it is best to download the JAR file for Standalone Tools.
* [[https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/tla.html|Main TLA+ Site]] (as of September 2019, version 1.60)
* At the above site, TLA+ ToolBox/IDE (version 1.6) can be downloaded [[https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/tla.html|here]].
* The JAR file is obtainable [[https://tla.msr-inria.inria.fr/tlatoolbox/dist/|here]]. This is referenced from [[https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/standalone-tools.html?back-link=tools.html#tlatex?unhideBut@EQhide-tlatex@AMPunhideDiv@EQtlatex|Standalone Tools Overview]].
* [[https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/current-tools.pdf| Documentation for command line tools]]
I have done the following
alias tla2tex="java -cp /usr/local/tla-tools/tla2tools.jar tla2tex.TLA"
alias tlaintex="java -cp /usr/local/tla-tools/tla2tools.jar tla2tex.TeX"
===== Convert a TLA file to TeX file =====
tla2tex model.tla
This will produce ''tla.tex''.
===== Convert snippets of ASCII/TLA in a TeX file to mathematical mode =====
tlaintex model.tex
% model.tex
Action == /\ x' = x - y
/\ yy' = 123
/\ zzz' = zzz
The style file ''tlatex.sty'' must be available. The above produces a LaTeX file ''model.tex'' where the tla environment is set to mathematics. The original'' model.tex'' file is renamed ''model.old''.
==== Style file ====
The style file ''tlatex.sty'' is available [[:latex:sty|here]].
==== More Documentation ====
If you are not using the JAR file, you will probably run TLATeX by typing
java tla2tex.TeX [options] fileName
where [options] is an optional list of options, and ''fileName'' is the
name of the input file. (If ''fileName'' does not contain an extension,
then the input file is ''fileName.tex''.) Running TLATeX with the -help
option produces a list of all options. Running it with the -info
option produces what you are now reading. (The fileName can be
omitted when using the -help or -info option.)
The running time of tla2tex.TeX is roughly proportional to the number
of separate `tla' environments. You can speed things up by not
having tla2tex.TeX reprocess `tla' environments that haven't changed
since the last time it was run. To do this, just change those
`tla' environments to `notla' environments. Similarly, you can change
`pcal' and `ppcal' to `nopcal' or `noppcal' environments.
Read [[https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/texinfo.txt|here]] for more.